The process will be slightly different depending on the type of data (Contacts, Orgs, etc.)
Click here to download a .PDF explanation
Checklist for Spreadsheet
1 -Must be a .csv file
2-Can not contain more than 5000 entries
3-First and last columns must have data in them or you may see a message that says "Lines were thrown away" during the import process.
4-Should contain a column with Team Members name.
5-See the .PDF above - you may need to pad the CSV file if extreanous characters are in the file
Checklist for Import
1-Import, select file (Account>>Import>>Contacts or Organizaiton or ...etc)
2-Set the Import Session to be (using the default is OK) Ex: 03/31/06 Public Programs March 15
3-Map Fields or Use a Saved Mapping (see the video) data spreadsheet excel