Step 1: Setup your development environment | |
We will be using
| |
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Step 2: Authentication: ( http://planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI?wsdl ) | |
2A> Generating Java Classes from WSDL | |
C:> WSDL2Java http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI?wsdl This should generate several web service classes in your file system. | |
Using WSDL2Java to generate Stub Classes | |
Result Folder | |
2B> Using these classes to authenticate:
Code Sample 1: SimpleTest1 (com.cxrm.common.tutorial)
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package com.cxrm.common.tutorial; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.cxrm.login.SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; public class SimpleTest1 { public static void doTest() throws Exception { java.net.URL _endpoint = new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI" ); SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub(_endpoint, new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); System.out.println( "[" + _stub.simpleAuthenticate( "******", "*************************" ) + "]" ); } public static void main ( String[] params ) { try { doTest(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } | |
Compile, Run, and Result If success, the result should start with "[SESSIONID:" . Otherwise it should display the error message. | |
2C> Authenticate with CompanyName/UserName/Password | |
Alternatively, we can use loginAuthenticate(company_name,user_name,password) to authenticate.
package com.cxrm.common.tutorial; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.cxrm.login.SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; public class SimpleTest1 { public static void doTest() throws Exception { java.net.URL _endpoint = new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI" ); SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub(_endpoint, new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); System.out.println( "[" + _stub.loginAuthenticate( "*****", "*****", "*****" ) + "]" ); } public static void main ( String[] params ) { try { doTest(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } | |
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Step 3: Post Authentication: Query Organization Records. ( http://planplusonline02.com/cxf/OrgAPI?wsdl ) | |
3A> Generating Java Classes from WSDL | |
C:> WSDL2Java http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/OrgAPI?wsdl This should generate several web service classes in your file system. | |
Using WSDL2Java to generate Stub Classes | |
Result Folder | |
3B> Using these classes to query Organization Records:
Code Sample 2: SimpleTest2 (com.cxrm.common.tutorial)
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package com.cxrm.common.tutorial; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.cxrm.login.SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; import com.cxrm.sales.api.OrgAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; import com.cxrm.sales.api.OrganizationList; import com.cxrm.sales.api.Organization; public class SimpleTest2 { public static void doTest() throws Exception { java.net.URL _endpoint = new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI" ); SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub(_endpoint, new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); String authResult = _stub.simpleAuthenticate( "******", "*******************" ); System.out.println( "[" + authResult + "]" ); if ( authResult.startsWith("SESSIONID:") ) { String sessId = authResult.substring( 10 ); OrgAPIServiceSoapBindingStub orgApiStub = new OrgAPIServiceSoapBindingStub( new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/OrgAPI" ), new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); OrganizationList ol = orgApiStub.searchOrganizations( sessId, "xrm" ); Organization[] org = ol.getList(); System.out.println( " getAllOrganizations() return row # = " + org.length ); } } public static void main ( String[] params ) { try { doTest(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } | |
Compile, Run, and Result In this example, there are 14 records returned for search result "xrm" | |
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Step 4: More Sample Codes ( Using Contact API http://planplusonline02.com/cxf/PsnAPI?wsdl ) | |
4A> Contact API WSDL | |
C:> WSDL2Java http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/PsnAPI?wsdl This should generate several web service classes in your file system. | |
Using WSDL2Java to generate Stub Classes | |
Result Folder | |
4B> Contact Sample code to query, read, and save a contact record
Code Sample 3: SimpleTest3 (com.cxrm.common.tutorial)
| |
package com.cxrm.common.tutorial; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.cxrm.login.SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; import com.cxrm.sales.api.PsnAPIServiceSoapBindingStub; import com.cxrm.sales.api.ContactList; import com.cxrm.sales.api.Contact; public class SimpleTest3 { public static void doTest() throws Exception { java.net.URL _endpoint = new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/SessionAuthenticatorAPI" ); SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new SessionAuthenticatorAPIServiceSoapBindingStub(_endpoint, new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); String authResult = _stub.loginAuthenticate( "**", "**", "**" ); System.out.println( "[" + authResult + "]" ); if ( authResult.startsWith("SESSIONID:") ) { String sessId = authResult.substring( 10 ); PsnAPIServiceSoapBindingStub psnApiStub = new PsnAPIServiceSoapBindingStub( new java.net.URL( "http://www.planplusonline02.com/cxf/PsnAPI" ), new org.apache.axis.client.Service() ); ContactList cl = psnApiStub.searchContactsByFirstAndLast( sessId, "John", "Doe" ); Contact[] psn = cl.getList(); if ( psn.length > 0 ) { Contact c = psnApiStub.getContactDetail( sessId, psn[0].getCustomerId() ); System.out.println( c.getFirstName() + " " + c.getLastName() ); } System.out.println( " Now attempting to create a new contact" ); Contact newContact = new Contact(); newContact.setFirstName( "WebService" ); newContact.setLastName( "Test" ); Contact result = psnApiStub.saveContactRecord( sessId, newContact ); System.out.println( "\n\n --- saveContactRecord() --- " ); if ( result != null && result.getCustomerId() > 0 ) { System.out.println( " Record saved successfully. New record ID ="+ result.getCustomerId() ); } else { System.out.println( " Transaction Failed. " ); if ( result != null ) System.out.println( " Msg = "+ result.getErrorMsg() ); } } } public static void main ( String[] params ) { try { doTest(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } |